Around the world in 80 clicks by SAMSONITE

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the location – Deli Lounge, Munich

the cutest hairdo of the evening from mademoiselle Bow
Elias Nogård, keeper of the Deli

Nathalie with one of our favorite models

The blogger: Victoria from Letters to Vogue | Sara from Sara Bow | Nathalie from Fashion is for idiots [like us] | Simone from We-Love-Brands
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80clicks. Yesterday I was invited to the presentation of the new Samsonite collection at the Deli Lounge in Munich. Luckily I found the perfect suitcase, which will be available in April. (It is that one Nathalie is holding, maybe in another color) Since I mostly use my parents’ suitcase it is time to have my own. More importantly the meeting was set off for the start of the Samsonite game – 80 clicks around the world. Maybe some of you have already heard of. The game goes like this. You have 4 suitcases which you can send to your friends on facebook who live the farthest away. If they will accept the suitcase that friend of yours can send it to someone else. And it goes on like that. In the end the chain with the suitcase which travelled the farthest wins. Each person of the chain can win a suitcase – how great is that? But watch the video for further information and join the game!

80clicks. Gestern wurde ich zur Präsentation der neuen Samsonite-Kollektion in die Deli Loung in München eingeladen. Jetzt habe ich endlich meinen Traumkoffer gefunden. Da ich bisher ja immer einen meiner Eltern mir ausgeliehen habe, wirds Zeit mir meinen eigenen zuzulegen. Am liebsten hätte ich den, den Nathalie in der Hand hält – vielleicht aber in einer anderen Farbe. Aber viel wichtiger war der Launch des neuen Gewinnspieles von Samsonite – in 80 clicks around the world. Das Spiel geht so – ihr habt 4 Koffer, die ihr an Freunde, die am weitesten weg wohnen, schicken könnt. Wenn diejenigen den Koffer annehmen, können sie ihn wiederum weiterschicken usw. Schlussendlich gewinnt die Kette pro Kopf einen Koffer, deren Koffer am weitesten gereist ist. Aber schaut euch das Video an und spielt mit!


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