The weekend according to my phone

1 shopping at home | 2 Rossini & Mojito with a good friend on Saturday | 3 the agony of choice
4 beautiful South Tyrol | 5 at the lake wearing my new Sheinside dress | 6 working at home
7 random pic at home | 8 by night somewhere between Torbole and Navene | 9 Spriiiitz
10 almost morning | 11 spaghetti allo scoglio | 12 Torbole at lake Garda

Instagram. Oh I can tell, my weekend was really intense – shooting all day long on Saturday and village fair in the evening, working at home and spontaneous decision to drive to lake Garda on Sunday night. Got back home yesterday. But I think the shots give you a good impression how it was. Wish you a wonderful week!

Instagram. Wie immer sind die Wochenenden zuhause immer total intensiv – den ganzen Tag Shooting am Samstag und abends Platzfest in Bozen, ein bisschen zuhause arbeiten und dann einfach mal ganz spontan an den Gardasee fahren am Sonntagabend. Bin gestern wieder zurückgekommen, aber ich denke mal, dass die Bilder für sich sprechen. Wünsche euch eine schöne Woche!


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