#fitchallenge | Find the perfect bra with Triumph for the Wiesn!

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The Golden Bun | München Modeblog, German Fashion Blog, Fashionblogger, new trends

Wiesn-Special. This Saturday the Oktoberfest started again and I couldn’t wait for the 5th season of Bavaria this year. I’ve already shown you a few dirndl up here on the blog. Today I’ll spend the day together with Triumph for their Triumph Fit Challenge and the lovely girls from The Skinny und the Curvy One (maybe a few more bloggers will join!).

You may wonder what the Triumph Fit Challenge is about? Indeed it is super hard to find the perfect bra for every situations in daily life. Moreover, super hard to find one for the Oktoberfest, which creates you the perfect décolleté. Together with Triumph will choose one bra and then test it on the Oktoberfest mastering a few activities such as High Striker, driving roundabout and much more. If I’ll find my perfect bra you’ll see tomorrow on the blog!

What would be your perfect BRA-Challenge?

#triumphlingerie #fitchallenge
picture – my Instagram
*in friendly collaboration with Triumph


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