A wonderful 3rd Advent Sunday to all of you!
What better way to start the morning than with a cozy brunch with friends. Ah I’ve missed doing such brunches at home. Poached eggs on avocado toast with pomegranate, Greek yoghurt with fruits and a power smoothie with bananas, oranges and kale. Yummm!
Since I didn’t have time to go shopping the past days I’ve tried an online grocery store for the first time. And it is so comfortable! I fear that I’ll only shop online for now. When I lived in Munich I had the supermarket right in front of my house. Therefore, I didn’t have to heft it far. Now, here in Berlin, the supermarket is a little bit farther away and we also live in the fourth floor without elevator. Well, that gets heavy sometimes. That’s why I tend more and more to do my weekly shopping online and get some fresh veggies and fruits on the away. So this time I’ve tried getnow.de, which was super easy to order from. They delivered on time. The products were great quality. What else do you need?