The crocos bloom in Jenesien and Mölten is every year again a natural spectacle. Every spring, the meadows of the Salten and in Mölten turn into a sea of croc blossoms. Many years I had the misfortune not to see it myself. This year it happened to be at the same time when I was at home. I could not miss the crocos bloom in Jenesien / Mölten.
- Here you can find all my South Tyrol articles
- Here you can find my tips around our autumnal Törggelen!
- So beautiful it is to go ice skating in winter at the Kalterersee!
- Winter in South Tyrol (but let’s focus on summer right now)

soft spring evening light
I was working at home a week before Easter. After a busy day at work, an evening walk was just what I needed. Breathing in and out slowly (although rather gasping for air very quickly after my condition was super bad after Corona). Enjoying the quiet of the forest and then the meadow plain.
We took a shortened route and looked for the flower on the fastest way from Bolzano. Vom Gasthaus Edelweiss in Jenesien kann man entspannt zehn Minuten hoch auf den Salten spazieren. There we already encountered the first white to purple colored crocos flowers.

The longer hike leads from the parking lot Tschermoos up to the Möltner Kaser and from there you can also continue up to the Stoanernen almonds – two highlights in one. At the alp Möltner Kaser you can also stop for a bite to eat. A call in advance can not hurt there, because in spring the opening hours vary.

On the way back, we enjoyed the wonderful view of the Catinaccio with its famous peaks, as well as the Sciliar of the Alpe di Siusi. Oh yes – we also met a few Haflinger horses, which were just returned to their pasture.

CROCOSE FLOWERS in Jenesien / Mölten
Parking near the Gasthaus Edelweiss in Jenesien and from there up on the Salten
starting from the parking lot in Schermoos up to the Mölten Kaser. From there you can also continue up to the Stoanernen almonds high
Crocos bloom end of May to mid-April (depending on the length / cold of the winter)