The old town of Primošten
Primošten is a small town, which lies beautifully on a peninsula. You can stroll around the city along the water and walk up to its church. There are small alleys and so much holiday feeling (even prettier in the low season when nobody is around). The area around Primosten is also know for their wine. As a matter of fact, the Primošten Vineyards are currently considered to become a UNESCO World Heritage site.

above left you can see that we were in the low season – Coca Cola from Christmas

above all those pretty alleys
below oh, hello there! seems as if Primosten is not as empty as we thought

The old town of Trogir
Lastly, we stopped in Trogir, which is a small harbour town with around 10’000 inhabitants. The old town is really pretty and historic, which is also why it has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. There is definitely more to see in Trogir and you should take a few hours to wander through the small alleys and get lost in them. Also, there are so many lovely cafés and hidden restaurants, where you can experience the Croatian way of living.

above left pure holiday feeling – ice cream first!
below one of the pretty squares with cafés outside

Bye bye Croatia! It was such a wonderful experience and I will definitely come back soon.
wish you a wonderful day!

Croatia is one of the most amazing places I know, this post is really great. Thanks for sharing this. :D
Holy gorgeous! I’ve heard so many great things about Croatia, I definitely need to visit!
Kierra | Lavishingg
Liebe Vicky, erst jetzt habe ich mir mal die Zeit genommen um deinen schönen Blog zu bestaunen, der vor allem durch die vielen wunderschönen und meiner Meinung nach professionellen Bilder toll geworden ist!!!! Wir kommen ja beide aus Südtirol und ich habe schon öfter deine Looks auf Ohablog und damals in der Insüdtirol verfolgt:-) kroatien muss wunderschön sein und ich hoffe sehr, dass ich irgendwann in dieses tolle Land reisen darf…deine Bilder machen auf alle Fälle schon große Lust darauf:-) alles Liebe und mach bitte weiter so!!!! Isabel
Ahhhh… You’ve captured the beauty of my home country so well! I grew up in Sibenik, so Primosten is another city which I love and can relate to very well. :)
yes you’ve told me! I love Primosten! such a lovely cute city!