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It’s not my first time that I backpacked while travelling. Bali two years ago was my first time and since then a couple of more travels followed. I find some countries much more relaxed to visit with a large backpack. Before my departure Tatonka sent me one of their Yukon 60+10 Women trekking backpacks to test. Here are a couple of reasons why I love backpacks in general.

Backpacking in Thailand
- You don’t over pack! I always packed way too much useless stuff. For my Thailand trip I packed around 15 kg and due all the fruit I bought I came home with 20 kg. 15 kg is the maximum weight I can carry and 20 kg was already way too heavy.
- However, a good backpack has comfortable waist straps which shift the weight
- I’m better organized in my backpack. My Yukon 60+10 is divided into three parts. The lower bag is perfect for shoes and anything heavy. You can open the middle part like a normal gym bag and there’s a third part on top, where you can put lighter stuff.
- Roads may be bumpy and you don’t want to pull your luggage through mud etc. I did that a couple of times and it wasn’t fun.
- If you want to get to farther destinations by motorbike you can simply lift it on your shoulder and off you go.
Keep in mind that some airlines have restrictions and you may put your backpack in a cover, which I had to. All in all, I’m super happy with my choice. Isn’t the colour of my backpack great? At least I find it immediately at the airport.
Have you already backpacked? Let me know your experience!
I wish you a great start into the week!

Backpacking in Thailand
Tatonka Yukon 60+10* here
Asos tunika very similar one & here
photos – © Vicky Klieber
*gift / sample
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I would love to go backpacking in Thailand!
ich habe mich bisher noch nie an eine Backpacking Reise rangetraut,
obwohl Sie doch um einiges praktischer ist.
Eine tolle Zusammenfassung.
Vielleicht ändere ich meine Meinung ja :)
LG Mel