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Mémère Paulette. Paris is heaven when it comes to restaurants, cafés and bars – you only need to know where to go to. Mémère Paulette is a cute tiny restaurant in the 2nd arrondissement. When you walk by it seems as if it is closed, but inside you’ll find a cozy atmosphere of a typical French restaurant. The meals are delicious. Loads of meat on your dish and I could eat tons of the potato purée. Definitely a great neighborhood option!
Bon appetit!

French at Mémère Paulette
5 Rue Paul Lelong – 75002 Paris
formule midi 20-22€
find more Paris recommendations here
photos – moi
It’s a delicious restaurant :)
Es sieht SO köstlich aus! und ich kann mir die wunderbare Atmosphäre dort richtig vorstellen. Ich wäre jetzt gern genau dort :)
Die Vicky weiß eben, wohin man essen gehen soll :)