Sweets in Paris | Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur

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Le Boulanger des class=

Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur. If you are looking for a delicious hot chocolate (but the really viscous ones!) around Place des Invalides you should go to Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur. It is such a lovely boulangerie in Paris offering delicious sweets. There are enough tables to accomodate you for a little bit and taking a sightseeing-break. That tarte aux poires et amandes (tarte with pears and almonds) looked so delicious that I had to try it – didn’t regret it! My boyfriend has such a sweet-tooth and the more time we spent together I am getting one too.

À bientôt!

Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur
Sweets in Paris Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur

14 Avenue de Villars – 75007 Paris

Fotos – moi


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