– Nasi Campur + Urap-Urap Chicken

– refreshing juices for 10,000 IDR – 1€ every day
– once in a while you’re craving western food
– delicious lime juice while enjoying the sunset
– Chicken Sate
– pineapple + watermelon juice
– Chicken Parapek + Pelecing Kangkung
Fotos – Moi
BaliDiary1. Surprisingly, food was less expensive than on Bali itself. In one of the local restaurants called warungs we ate for unter 50,000 IDR in total which is around 3,5€. One of our favorite warungs on the east beach side was Warung Sasak. They had a great variety of local dishes for reasonable prices. Sometimes you may wait a little bit longer for your food but you can order a banana juice in the meantime. Overall we tried the following specialities:
- NASI CAMPUR – rice with various kinds of vegetables and a fried egg on top
- URAP-URAP CHICKEN – various vegetables with a delicious coconut sauce
- CHICKEN SATE – roasted chicken on a spit with peanut sauce
- PELECING KANGKUNG – one of the spiciest dishes I had so far consisting of water spinach with a hot chili sauce and rice
- CHICKEN PARAPEK – super delicious dish with beans, carrots and chicken and a light spicy sweet sauce.
We also had some Western food and tried the Italian restaurant BIBA which was such a delusion. The noodles were cooked way to long and all in all, it was nothing special. Same for the burger. Therefore, I highly recommend trying out more Indonesian food.
Mehr of Bali gibt es beim nächsten Mal!
mhm tolle Bilder. Erinnern mich an meine eigene Reise nach Bali und die Gilis. Chicken Parapek schmeckt soo lecker!