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A few weeks ago, I have posted my five restaurants for testing, in which the Drunken Cow Grill & Bar was included. I found it through Bianca and had to go there. Amelie and Chris joined for a lovely evening!

Drunken Cow
A Burger & Grill has now enriched the Maxvorstadt neighborhood, as the Drunken Cow opened its doors by mid-November, and now I finally managed to test it. What a pity that this eatery has only opened, after I had moved away from the Maxvorstadt neighborhood, but I can get there quickly on my bike. Its very simple interior is equipped with red leather sofas and black tables. Apparently, you can sit outside in the summer. The service personnel is extremely nice and when I made my reservation and asked or a well illuminated table, they were very helpful. They meant indeed that the restaurant in general was rather dimly lit, but fortunately it was brighter than expected, which was good for my pictures.

Drunken Cow the burger
But let’s move on to the most important part – the burger! Chris chose the Kahuna-Burger with teriyaki sauce grilled sauce, jalapeños, double cheddar cheese and bacon. Amelia went for the Italien Job Burger with mozzarella, basil pesto and jalapeños. Finally for me the Honey-Mustard burger with jalapeños, fried onions, cheddar cheese and the special honey-mustard-bbq-sauce. This is very convenient, for in many Munich Burger eateries trimmings are not included and pile up heavily in the end. So we picked up tabs of 15 to 17 Euros per person.
As always, there is no accounting for taste, but I would have preferred flavors that are more intensive. As from March, lunch specials will also be served, and I will certainly drop in as soon as the new term starts.

Drunken Cow Grill & Bar
Gabelsberger 58 – 80333 München
classic burger with sides ranging from 9,50 – 11,50€ / steak prices around 20€ (200gr)
find more Munich recommendations here
The burger looks very stunning though ! I like the ambience of the restaurant.
auch wenn dein fazit jetzt nicht so ganz glücklich ausgefallen ist, liebe ich deine restauranttipps einfach immer wieder – obwohl ich zugeben muss, dass die meisten noch unberührt in meiner endlosen favoritenliste für cafès und restaurants in münchen liegen… denn wenn ich mal dort bin, was auch gar nicht so selten vorkommt, landen wir doch wieder in den üblichen lieblingsläden und am ende heißt es dann immer „aber nächstes mal“… also vielleicht schaffen wir es nächstes mal ja wirklich! :)
eigentlich find ich die burger sehen ganz gut, nur auf dem letzten bild, wo der käse so dick runterläuft, ist es mir dann irgendwie zu viel des guten…
ganz liebe grüße, laura // Blonde bunana
Those burgers looks incredibly delicious! Great photos!
There are many burger places in my city. This place looks nice, so does the food!
Oh, wie cool, ich wohne auch in München! Die Bilder sind unglaublich toll geworden und das Essen sieht super lecker aus – das Burger Restaurant muss ich definitiv auch mal ausprobieren :)) Sehr schöner Blog!
xo Stefanie
Looking delicious =D
Never heard anything bout this place…what a pity…really have to try one of those burgers asap ;)
thanks for the tip :) always on a hunt for an amazing burger ;)
Do they have bread less burgers there btw?
you’re welcome! I don’t thing that they have burger without bread but I guess you can order them too!
Der Laden steht auch noch auf meiner Restaurant-Liste! Ich glaub´, die gehören irgendwie mit dem Ca-Ba-Lu zusammen?! Falls du da noch nicht warst: Die haben auch leckere Burger! Liebe Grüße, INa
ja genau! das bin ich nachher draufgekommen. Ins Ca-Ba-Lu werde ich demnächst Mal gehen!
danke dafür!