I was wearing a White Cove dress

Evening Desert Safari Dubai
But back to our desert jeep tour. We were picked up at the hotel and drove approximately 45 minutes into the desert. You’ll be brought to a place where you can rent quads and meanwhile they’ll get the jeep ready for the dunes. We waited half an hour as no one wanted to rent some quads. Maybe you can ask your driver to skip this and stay longer in the desert. Afterwards a bumpy, speed drive through the desert was on the agenda. This is all part of the entertainment! But as soon as we got out of the car and stood in the middle of the desert is was just beautiful. The sun was just about to set and we had enough time to shoot some pictures.

Our tour ended in a desert camp where we had dinner. Moreover, they always have a fire show, a belly dancer and some traditional dances. We came back around 9pm. Especially the last part was super touristic and maybe you can take a camel tour instead. All in all, it was still worth to book a tour and we also thought about going there one more time.

Looks like you had a lot of fun! I know how beautiful it is as I lived 5 years in Dubai. Thanks for sharing your experience in the desert.
xo Yvonne
wow beautiful place and photos:)
Have a good day!
These pictures are so good! x
Jessica — NinetyCo
Beautiful photos.
Bernie, xx
The Style Fanatic
Wooow, these are gorgeous photos. Reminds me of Conde Nast Traveler! Dubai seems like an incredibly place, full of endless attractions. I just couldn’t visit there in the summer! I’ve heard too many horror stories about that heat!
Out of curiosity, what camera did you use for this?
Oh mein Gott, die Bilder sind der absolute WAHHHNSINN! Bin total verliebt und will jetzt auch in die Wüste. Das erste Bild mit dem Kamel ist mein absoluter Favorit, so so schön das Licht und alles hach! Ich komme aus dem Schwärmen kaum noch heraus!
Liebste Grüße,
Ricarda von CATS & DOGS: http://www.wie-hund-und-katze.com
Wow, this is SO STUNNING!! At first I didn’t even think the photos looked real. What an incredible experience!
xx, Amy
The place looks absolutely amazing Great post!
Vanessa x | http://www.springlilies.com
Wow, it looks like you had quite an experience! I love your photos, so gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind visiting dessert and having a little photo shoot there. x
-Leta | The Nerdy Me
Wow these photos are stunning! What an amazing experience! :D
Dubai looks amazing! You look amazing as well.
I can imagine it being quite touristic, but sometimes actually being in the desert is more than worth it. I went there onvce, but that was a long time ago.
Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking
Wow, das sind so, so tolle Aufnahmen!!
Ich glaube der Satz, dass du es nochmal machen würdest, sagt schon alles. Ja, es ist vermutlich sehr touristisch, aber das ist es mir auch Wert. Die Leute verdienen halt damit ihr Geld, klar. Aber diese Aussicht zu genießen …. das ist schon so ein Bucketlistmoment.
Danke für den Anbietertipp, genau nach sowas habe ich gesucht :)
Liebe Grüße
Julia | notyourcomfortzone.com
I hope one day I’ll visit Dubai . these photos are amazing
also check out my blog
Was kann man im kalten verschneiten Januar Besseres machen als ins schöne wärme Dubai reisen.
Leider war ich erst einmal dort , hab mich aber gleich verliebt in diese aufregende Stadt.
Nach deinem tollen Bericht muss ich wohl noch mal hin und eine Wüstensafari mitmachen.
Mir gefällt Dein Titelbild sehr.
Liebe Grüße
The way you express desert safari I really like it in 2016 I went Dubai and enjoy evening desert safari soon i am come and enjoy again thank you for sharing this wonderful post
Fantastic & Amazing Experience, Thanks For Share I was about to travel gulf, Honestly its amazing excitement, My friend recommend your blog link & a famous local website, Dubai Evening Safari
are the same agents you booked with?