To be honest Switzerland was never really a destination on my travel bucket list – mainly because it is super expensive. I’d heard from a lot of people how beautiful Zurich but no one of them mentioned these cool and hip neighborhoods. Here are 4 things to do in Zurich-West:

1. Frau Gerold’s Garden
Frau Gerold’s Garden was established in 2012 and it is located close to the Prime Tower. A hip and cool area to hang out on weekends or during the week. There are small shops, flea market stalls and food trucks. If the weather is good it’s just the perfect spot. It’s open all year round until midnight.

2. Enjoy the view from the FREITAG tower
Right next to Frau Gerold’s garden there is the FREITAG tower. You can check out their huge selection of bags. Make sure to climb up to the top to enjoy the view onto Zurich!

3. Go on an art tour at the Toni Areal
The Toni Areal is a huge complex, which includes the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Moreover, there is the Museum für Gestaltung, which has an archive of more than 500’000 pieces from design, graphic, textile and poster. We had a tour through it and it is definitely worth a visit.
Moreover there is the photography exhibition from Steve McCurry until 1st November 2015 .

our bunch of fashion, lifestyle & travel blogger with the Widder Hotel team

4. Shop downtown at the Viadukt
There’s no better way to integrate old structures in cities. The Viadukt is a cool spot for shopping and having drinks.

Oh ja, unverschämt teuer, trifft es echt gut. Ich war im September in Basel und bin auch fast vom Glauben abgefallen. Zürich ist bei den Schweizern allerdings gar nicht so beliebt, wie ich hörte. Mir persönlich gefällt Basel da auch viel besser. Und im Dezember geht es nach Luzern.