February recap – back from Japan & onto the next adventure

instagram review january thegoldenbun the golden bun monthly favorites january, Life on my phone | München Modeblog, German Fashion Blog, Fashionblogger, new trends

Life on my phone KW 4 – 6

1 walk, walk, walk, baby!
2 say hello to my new baby! here
3 morning strolls in Bozen
4 fresh flowers from Bloomy Days
5 one of my favoure dishes – Spaghetti allo scoglio
6 breakfast dates at Das Maria
7 new hair
8 coffee date at Bite Delite
9 morning view – flying over Mount Fuji
10 vacation look
11 Shuri castle on Okinawa
12 mornings at the beach

Instagram – @thegoldenbun

February recap. While I’m sitting on the airplane back to Germany I’m passing in review the last month. The past weeks have been exciting, exhausting and emotional. After I’ve decided to fold up my tents in Munich, everything went super quick. My things are temporarily packed up in boxes. It’s crazy how much stuff you accumulate over the years. As soon as I come back home I will definitely clear out a lot. I’m happy for this new chapter working as a digital nomad. Stay tuned!

Monthly favorites thought
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… a lot about sustainability. Little by little, I try to live more ecoconsciously right now. In fact, I try to buy less plastic things. Especially when travelling it is quite hard but manageable. Japan was a big shock for me because everything is packed up in plastic. However, I was reassured that Japanese separate and recycle a lot. Still, a lot is produced new. However, flying so often isn’t good either and I’ll try to use more carsharing and the train. Did I mention that I absolutely love taking the train?

Monthly favorites Bought
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When it comes to sustainability I’m not so good regarding my consume of clothing. I still buy a lot from cheap chains. Nonetheless I reduced my online shopping a lot. There is still lots to do but I tent to buy more second hand. You only need a lot of time to find great pieces.

After a long time I’ve bought myself a new bag – the Pinko love bag, which I’m absolutely in love with. One of the things I’ve been looking for a long time were nice fabric napkins, which I found on H&M Home. Sometimes the site doesn’t have nice things but the new collection is really nice. H&M pieces tend to be sold out really quick but most times come back in stock quickly. I usually use the Shoptagr Tool to save my items and will be notified as soon as they come back in stock.

Monthly favorites read
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Another month when I didn’t read anything. Well, I’ve read my Tokyo Guides.

Monthly favorites seen
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I’ve watched La La Land in the movies. I absolutely love the Arri-cinema in Munich because the quality is so good. I still don’t know how I like the movie. After High School Musical I’m not a big fan of musical movies. While the plot was quite simple I really liked the camera settings. On my list you’ll still find Shades of Grey, which should be even better than the first part. I’m super curious.

And how could I forget my absolute new favourite series – The Royals. I’ve accidentally found it on another blog. The British series takes place in the royal house and comes with one intrigue after the other. Add a little bit of Gossip-Girl and imagine Elizabeth Hurley as queen. Do I have to add more? I’ve finished all three seasons so quickly. Right now I only have the last episode left. I’m really curious how it will end.

Montly favorites planned – travels
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After Japan I’m back in Munich for a couple of days before I’ll fly to the ITB (international traveling fair) with . Also, I’m excited to see again. The rest of the weekend I will spend with Julia. After Berlin I will be back in South Tyrol for two weeks and at the end of the month I will have some nice relaxing spa days in Austria with my mom. April won’t be less busy. I will release the destination soon!

Monthly favorites Most read articles
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{click ctrl or cmd to open new tab}

  1. Outfit: Why it’s the best moment to buy a winter coat
  2. Food: The best falafel in town – Sababa
  3. Food: Breakfast in Berlin – Hallmann & Klee
  4. Life: January Recap – self-employment, moving, upcoming travels & more
  5. Life: Hello Single Life!
Have a wonderful day!

Home 💙 | #TGBlovesSouthTyrol

Ein Beitrag geteilt von VICKY – www.thegoldenbun.com (@thegoldenbun) am


  • Wundervolle Eindrücke…ich möchte unbedingt mal nach Japan, mein absolutes Traum-Reiseziel! The Royals hat mir komischerweise als absoluter Gossip-Girl-Fan gar nicht zugesagt, finde es etwas zu over-the-top. Dafür bin ich gerade “How to get away with Murder” total verfallen.
    Liebe Grüße & einen tolle Wochenstart ♡Kristina

  • Ich freue mich schon sehr auf deine Japan Beiträge, bin super gespannt! Hab eine schöne Zeit in Berlin und dann in Südtirol :)
    Liebe Grüße, Laura // Blondebunana

  • Eine tolle Review meine Liebe & ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf deine ganzen Japan-Guides :-) Ich fand Tokio wirklich super beeindruckend und möchte unbedingt nochmal dorthin reisen, um auch Kyoto und Osaka sehen zu können.

    The Royals muss ich mir auch unbedingt einmal zu Gemüte führen, Serien kann ich einfach nie genug haben ;-)

    xxx und dir auch eine wunderbare Woche,.

  • Oh wie schoen, grad ueber deinen Blog gestolpert und ich weiss jetzt schon, dass ich wieder kommen werde. Was fuer tolle Bilder und ich hoffe wirklich, dass mehr Leute zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufwachen werden. Eine Freundin von mir hat das im Master studiert, aber dann leider keinen Job in der Branche gefunden, super schade… und irgendwie spricht das Welten. Ne schoene Woche Dir!
    GLG aus London.
    xx finja | http://www.effcaa.com

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