Life on my phone KW 1 – 4
1 finally cold enough to ice skate in Munich
2 hot chocolate, yes please!
3 beautiful winter mood in Flims
4 on the slopes wearing Toni Sailer
5 beautiful light in Berlin
6 more winter feeling in Flims
7 with Dominique from Goldschnee
8 still so in love with Laax
9 the best – Sultan eggs at The Klub Kitchen
10 morning coffee at Le Bon Berlin
11 coffee date with my dear Amandine
12 hello from the snowy landscape
Monthly favorites Thought

… about working freelance and wherefrom I want to work in near future. As you know I finished my master in October and started working full time on the blog (and on my career as a wedding photographer). Actually I wanted to start working in the architecture sector again by the beginning of the year. However, life always turns out differently than you expect it. The more time I put into the blog the more offers and projects came along. Therefore, life’s good right now. But I’ll probably move my base back home to Bolzano for a couple of months (of course, I’ll head back to Munich all the time). Especially in spring it is so beautiful there. Moreover, I’ll be able to do a lot of research work about South Tyrol here, which I haven’t done for years. The main reason is also that I’ll be travelling quite a bit; thus paying a high rent in Munich is a waste of money. As a matter of fact, I’d rather spent my money on travels and new experiences. Well, I’m curious what the (digital) nomad life will bring. What’s your opinion about it?
Monthly favorites Bought

On the flea market you do find really great pieces! You just need to look for them. When I stood on the flea market I realised that it would be time for a little project, i.e. buying second hand for six months or else. In fact, I bought a lovely blazer from the neighbouring stall, which I was wearing nonstop these past weeks. You could see it in my Coca Cola post. There wasn’t much more time for shopping in January. Oh yes, I bought some Moon Boots as soon as the snow came. Unfortunately they were a size too small and I resold them. Luckily, I found them again on sale but I guess they weren’t on stock again and I’m still waiting for them.
Monthly favorites read

I started reading the German book Faste Schwitze Liebe (Fast, sweat, love) from Andrea Alton – really nice bed lecture. Moreover, friends of mine got me the Jerusalem cookbook, wherefrom I started picking my favourite recipes. The cookbook is so nicely made!
Monthly favorites Seen

I guess I’ve finally seen all Matthias Schweighöfer movies. The last one I saw was Rubbeldiekatz. Whenever I was in Munich I had to work super late, which didn’t leave much time to watch any movies. Nonetheless, I still love to watch Jon Olsson’s daily vlogs and also Janni Déler and Aimee Songs videos. Jacie from Damsel in Dior films funny vids some time too.
Monthly favorites Planned – Travel

… and lastly my travel plans! *drum rolls* It’s not a 100% official but let’s say 80%. I’ll travel to Japan really soon! In fact, I’d actually planned to travel there with Bastian but now I’ll be there sooner than thought. Sushi-heaven here I come!
Monthly favorites most read posts

{click ctrl or cmd to open new tab}
- Beauty talk: Braces as adults
- Travel: Winterholidays in South Tyrol
- Restaurant tip: Bellevue München
- Travel: One week in Dubai
- Outfit: Hello new year!
Have a nice day!
Ja, wieso solltest du deine Selbständigkeit aufgeben, wenn es gerade so aufregend ist? Und nach Bozen zu ziehen klingt vernünftig…bleibt auf jeden Fall spannend, denn was du alles im Januar erleben durftest klingt richtig toll! Und ich freu mich auf deine Südtirol Beiträge!
Lg Anne
Wow was für aufregende Pläne und wie cool, dass es mit der Selbstständigkeit so gut läuft :-) Früher oder später ware das auch noch so ein kleines TRäumchen von mir ;)
Viel Spaß scxhon mal in japan – ich war bisher einmal in Tokio und fand es unglaublich beeindruckend!!! :)
Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja dann auf dem nächsten Event hier in Berlin <3
Ich bin schon echt gespannt, was sich bei dir so tut! Machst du jetzt echt ernst mit dem aus München weggehen? Dann wären wir schon zu zweit! :D
Viele liebe Grüße
Ich habe Deinen Blog gerade entdeckt und mich in Deine Fotos verliebt <3 Nach Südtirol geht es für mich im März zum Skifahren, ich freu mich schon so!
Liebe Grüße aus Hannover
Wow das sind ja aufregende Pläne. Toller Beitrag