My skin is naturally very dry and has slightly reddened areas. I have told you about it several times. Last year I was very happy with my day care and used it for over a year. I didn’t really notice any difference between summer and winter, which is good for me. Because who wants to change their care every season? Not me.
Here is an extended article on my skincare routine from last year.
*Translated online due to time reasons

Cleaning products from 2018
- Love! Shiseido Gentle Cleansing Cream, 125 ml – 21,12€ (16,90€ / 100 ml) here
- All time favorite! Bioderma Sensibio Gel moussant, 200 ml – 13,99€ (7,00€ / 100 ml) here
- All time favorite! Bioderma – Sensibio H2O micellar water for sensitive skin, 500 ml – 16,08€ (3,20€ / 100ml) here
Day and night care from 2018
- Superfruit – Skin Enforcement Daycreme, 50ml – 38,49€ (76,98 € / 100 ml) here and here
- Superfruit – Skin Enforcement Nightcreme, 50ml – 67,00€ (129,98 € / 100 ml UVP 67,00 €) here
- for daily in the office Beauté Pacifique Superfruit Hydration Face Mist, 50ml – 28,50€ (57,00€ /100 ml) here
What now works well for me: separate day and night care. I noticed the difference and my skin felt beautifully regenerated the next day. No sign of dryness!
I was really satisfied with the products from Beauté Pacifique in the Superfruit line. At first I had to get used to the smell of the night care, but the effect made up for everything. I bought the products about every three months.
But why EASY if possible COMPLICATED?
I didn’t change much in the skin cleansing area, but added one – two new routines. 1-2 times a week I try on a face peeling, an activated carbon mask for the nose area and a Korean face mask.
The new cleansing products
- Still the two products from Bioderma. First the micellar water and then the gel.
- New! Bioderma Sensibio Tonique Facial Toner, 250ml 19,00€ (7,60€ /100 ml) here
I recommend Bioderma’s products to everyone (no, unfortunately, I still don’t get paid by Bioderma for a cooperation). I have also tested cheaper alternatives from the drugstore, for example from Garnier. But the best result was always delivered by Bioderma’s Sensibio H2O range.

What’s completely new for me is the use of a toner / tonic facial toner. Toners are supposed to return the necessary moisture to the skin after cleansing and also remove limescale residues from the skin. I’ve had a Hydrabio line toner before that dried out a bit. Somehow I didn’t really get the toner routine integrated into my care routine. I am super satisfied with the Sensibio Tonic facial toner. Apply it on my washable cotton pads and finish my cleaning. Then I apply the day care.
I usually order the Bioderma products in the largest size and fill them into smaller pump and spray bottles for the bathroom cabinet or on the road. So I use the products much more sparingly.
- For travelling I finally bought a robust 50ml pump bottle and two 50ml spray bottles from Muji, after my cheap set from the drugstore quickly broke.
- In Paris I loved the cheapest pharmacy of the city in the 6th arrondissement. Apparently there is also one on the Ku’damm in Berlin. Unfortunately I did not find a cheap pharmacy in Munich and therefore always ordered online.
My wish at this point would be a sustainable or plastic free alternative. If you have a tip, I’d be happy to give it to you.
The new day and night care
I changed my skin care. La Mer sent me the La Mer The Moisturizing Cool Cream (unfortunately I used it too lavishly). The “280€-60ml-Wunderpflege” has disappeared in no time on my skin. It did well, but wasn’t enough care for me in autumn.
- La Mer The Moisturizing Cool Cream 466,67€ / 100 ml hier
Basically I think the product is very good. But I hardly noticed any difference between the effect and my previous Beauté Pacifique care. Let’s leave the horrendous price aside. - lavera Hydro Effect Serum Anti-Pollution Complex, 9,65€ (EUR 32,17€ /100 ml) hier
I find the serum itself relatively good for its price-performance ratio. I haven’t used a serum yet, so I can’t really say if it makes a difference that much. - lavera Hydro Effect Day Cream, Alge, 50 ml 11,95€ (23,90 € / 100 ml) hier
Beautiful light cream, but unfortunately too little rich for me - lavera Night Cream Re- Energizing Sleeping Cream, 50 ml 9,55€ (19,10 € /100 ml) hier
Great cream for its price-performance ratio, which I tolerate very well.
I have heard a lot of good things about Lavera products on various natural cosmetics blogs/channels. Unfortunately I am not 100% satisfied with the care above. The daily products (completely new for me the use of a serum) always feel great for the first ten minutes. But I still feel the whole day after creaming or freshening up with my facial toner. For this reason, I still use an oil afterwards (always bought again and currently I use the Huile Prodigieuse von Nuxe).
My miracle cure for dry lips

I hope you enjoyed this update to my current beauty routine. I will try a new beauty line soon and will be happy to keep you up to date. I can also do a cosmetic update for you.

Sample Fotos via Amazon
Hallejujah das ist auf jeden Fall ein wildes Pottpourri an Produkten und Inhaltsstoffen. Ich muss dazu auch sagen, dass du wirklich eine tolle Haut die nicht allzu sehr rumzickt es sei den bei kälteren Temperaturen mit Rötungen oder? Gerade bei der aktuellen Heizungsluft und draußen noch vorherschenden Kälte ist ein Serum dringend von Nöten die du am besten vor der Tagescreme 5-10 Minuten einwirken lässt. Ich bin mal gespannt wie du die Paulas Choice Produkte findest und bin gespannt auf dein Feedback! Achtung der Toner den ich auf Instagram gesehen habe mit Aha Conzentrat kann Irritationen in den ersten 2-3 Wochen verursachen, danach verbessert sich das Hautbild aber wieder.
Hallo meine Beauty-Queen!! Ja doch, Rötungen habe ich schon, aber nicht so stark. Daher erhoffe ich mir, dass die neue Pflege dies lindert. Guter Tipp das Serum vorher einwirken zu lassen. Ich creme danach immer sofort ein.
liebe Grüße
Liebe Vicky,
ich folge dir auf deinem Blog nun schon seit einiger Zeit und ich finde deine Artikel immer sehr inspirierend und dich und deine Fotos wunderschön – vielen Dank dafür.
Du fragtest in deinem letzten Post nach einer nachhaltigen, plastikfreien Alternative zum Thema Pflegeprodukte und da hätte ich genau das Richtige für dich :) Ich würde dir gerne in einem persönlichen Gespräch mehr darüber erzählen und vielleicht magst mich bei Interesse kontaktieren. Mich würds auf jeden Fall sehr freuen!
Hier noch was zu meiner Person: Ich heiße Claudia Valenti, komme ursprünglich aus Bozen, lebe mittlerweile seit 12 Jahren in Bayern (zuerst München, jetzt Weyarn), bin Produktdesignerin, momentan in Elternzeit und vertreibe frische Naturkosmetik ganz ohne Chemie und Plastik. Hier noch meine Handynr +49 176 67468568
Bis hoffentlich bald und liebe Grüße, Claudia
Liebe Claudia,
vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar und das Kompliment. Das freut mich sehr. Schick mir gerne mehr Informationen per Email! Viele Grüße,